RCU Installation for OBIEE 11g

OBIEE 11g RCU Installation

Database Installation and Configuration:
If you installed database already on your machine, you can skip to section.

Before we starting the installation of RCU, we need to choose that which database we are going to use in our application. Here I am giving how to run RCU in Oracle database on our local machine. It is good to install Oracle Database enterprise or standard edition to take full advantage of database for datatypes like spatial data or features like OLAP. 

• Min of 4GB RAM required.
• Minimum of 10GB hard disk memory required.
• not use any directory name with space while installing/working with Oracle
DB and BI11g.

Installing RCU:
BI 11g is now standardized with Oracle fusion middleware and hence leverage database for metadata storage just like any other middleware product. So here we are going to install BI11g metadata schema on oracle database you just installed and configured. Same process can be leveraged to install metadata schema on other supported databases as well.
If you have not done already, please download BI11g installation files and RCU installation files. Please make sure all the zipped files have downloaded correctly and unzipped into a single folder.
We can download the software from below Download page:

Now we will start the installation of metadata schema using RCU.

From unzipped folder for RCU, run rcu.bat file to start the utility: rcu.bat file is located under rcuHome\BIN directory.

RCU utility will launch the GUI based wizard to guide you through the steps. Click Next to continue.
Select create from the below screen and click Next

In the below step Make sure database type is Oracle Database and enter following information to continue. 
For e.g:
Host Name: localhost 
Port: 1521 
Service Name: ORCL
Username: sys
Role: sysdba
Password:  YourPassword
since we are using oracle database, RCU will show a warning message that we can just ignore and can continue the installation.
Click OK to continue once RCU validates and initializes database configuration.
In the next step it will ask for the prefix to create the metadata schemas. By default it is showing 'DEV'. If we want to change the prefix we can  change it.
From the below window select appropriate schemas which we need to install.
I have selected only two which is showing in the screenshot

Click 'Next' from the above screen to create schema and the click 'OK' once RCU shows schema creation prerequisites check completed.
In the next step Enter password for both the schema as you like with the password conditions (such as alphabet, numeric and with special character) and click 'Next' to continue.
Click 'Next' with the above step to have RCU create the selected schemas
Click 'OK' to continue creation of tablespace.
Once tablespace created, click 'OK' to continue.

Now RCU will create required schema objects within the tablespace just created. So Click 'Create' with next step and continue
Click 'close' to finish RCU wizard once schemas are created successfully.
with the above step the installation of RCU is completed

Remember the password which we have given for all the  users/schemas so far and we will continue to use the same password. We will need this password for BI installation as well to let BI installer knows where the metadata schemas located and what is the password to connect to the schema. Now we can login to the oracle database and can whether that two schems (DEV_BIPLATFORM, DEV_MDS) is available.

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OBIEE 11g Installation Guide

OBIEE Step by Step Installation

This post will guide us through the  step by step installation of OBIEE Here I don't find any difference in RCU installation between in previous version with this version. Still if you want to know the RCU installation steps click here

Download the OBIEE 11g version from here or from oracle e-delivery site and extract all the four disk into a single folder and click setup.exe from the Disk1 Universal Installer window will start and will check for the initial set up and system requirement.

After the successful precheck the first step of our OBIEE starts with the below window. Just Click 'Next'

f you have oracle Support username and password then update then use that in this step or just select first option 'Skip Software updates' and click 'Next'

Select the appropriate installation step here. I am going to install all the component of BI so selected here 'Enterprise Install' and then click 'Next'

This step will just check operating system certification and physical memory. Just click 'Next' after the check passed through

As It is a new installation, select the option 'Create New BI System' and type password for weblogic User.
Note: Save or remember the password because this is the password going to be used to access BI system, EM, Console and answers later on..
and then click 'Next'

n this step we have to select the actual folder where we want to install BI 11g. So here I have created an folder in C:\ driver and selected here by browsing the home location in this window. Remaining boxes will be automatically filled once we selected the home location then click 'Next'
With the above window we will get warning like below screen. Just Click 'Yes and click 'Next' with the above screen

n this step we would know what are the components going to be installed. If you are really going to user 'RTD' and Essbase Suite the leave it selected or Just uncheck with the below screen and click 'Next'

n this step we have to select the database where we have installed our RCU. I have done in oracle database so selected the oracle database in database type

Connection String: dbservername:portnumber:servicename
BIPLATFORM Pwd: Admin123

Note: This username and password would be same which we have given when we installed RCU

Same steps like the previous step but here with DEV_MDS username and password. After entering all the details just click 'Next'

Just Select 'Auto Port Configuration' if you want to install with the default port numbers that oracle do the installation and then click 'Next'

f we have oracle support email id we could mention with this step or just deselect the option click 'Yes' with the warning screen and click 'Next' with the below step

With this step just click 'Install' so that the actual installation will be started with the below screen:

Just watch the installation progress with this step
t take a while even the progress bar shows 100%. Post installation script might be take some time so be patient the steps will pass through.

After successful installation the configuration steps will start. It takes a while to finish all the configuration so wait to finish and then just click 'Next' when the configuration shows 100%

So actual installation and configuration are over with the above step. If you want to save the path details for middleware home, domain home and others click 'Save' with the below screen and save it in a file for reference. and the just click 'Finish' to complete the installation.

Now browse through the answers, EM and console and Play with BI.

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ODI 11g Installation Guide

Installing ODI on Windows 7 64bit

I’m going to try ODI again. Current ODI version is Now, it has come under Oracle Fusion Middleware domain. A major difference from 10g.

My environment for ODI installation is a Intel Core i5 machine with 8 GB memory. It’s running on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

ODI is 11g is supported on my system according to the System Certification matrix; https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/data-integrator/odi-11gr1certmatrix-163773.xls

I got the installation media downloaded from; https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/data-integrator/downloads/index.html?ssSourceSiteId=ocomen

Since I’m running a 64 bit OS, required installation files are;



According to the new Middleware Architecture, now we have to create a database schemas to store a repository before starting the actual ODI installation. To create database schemas Oracle provides RCU; Repository Creation Utility.

RCU installation is available at the same URL mentioned above.


A pretty structured Installation Guide is available at; https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/core.1111/e16453/overview.htm#CEGJJIFH

So there are 2 parts of my installation.

  1. Repository creation
  2. ODI installation

The repository is created in a RDBMS. So having access to a running database is a prerequisite.

To start with the repository creation, ofm_rcu_win_11. is extracted.

When extracted, within bin directory, rcu.bat can be found.

rcu.bat is executed;

Welcome screen appears and “Next >” is clicked.

We can use RCU to create or drop repositories. We want to create one here.


We define where we want the repository to be created. I’ve got an Oracle 11g DB on my machine. So we can use that.

I prefer to use SYS account in scenarios like this as it can avoid a lot of issues caused by bugs .


RCU checks the DB for requirements for creating the repository. And here, it complains that the DB hasn’t been created with character set it supposed to be for repository creation.

My DB was not created solely for the ODI installation So I cannot do much about it now. Hope we can ignore this error.


Other than the character set issue, my DB is ready for the repository creation.


We have to select which repositories to be created. Since RCU is a common tool that supports many products, we has to select what we want; Oracle Data Integrator in out case.

I’d leave the default prefix as it is. I’m building a development environment anyway.


Prerequisites are checked in another level.


Passwords for the repository schemas are defined. We have only one schema here. So the it doesn’t matter the option selection here.


Some ODI internal parameter settings; I’d accept the default value except the passwords.


The tablespaces where the schemas are created are defined. Even though we can change the tablespaces through “Manage Tablespaces”, I’m going to work with the default tablespaces RCU suggests.


Of course the tablespaces RCU suggested were not on my DB. They should be created fresh.

New tablespaces are created.


All set to launch the repository creation.


Repository creation is going on. It won’t take much time.

It’s done. No errors


RCU has created a tablespace of 200MB out of which 15.6 MB has been used for the repository.

Repository creation is completed. Now, ODI installation can be started.

Also, according to the Certification Matrix, I should have Oracle JDK 1.7.0+ 64bit installed on Windows 7 64 bit. So I had to download the JDK and install since I had only JRE before starting ODI installation.

Now the system is ready for the installation; ODI installation files should be extracted.

When both the files are extracted; setup.exe in Disk1 is executed. In my case, I needed to execute it with “Run as administrator” as the account I had logged in with is not in the Administrators group.

When setup.exe is executed, an error is fired;

“ERROR: Provided the JDK/JRE location while launching the installer. Invoke the setup.exe with -jreLoc parameter(s)”

According to the error message, it seems to be the setup.exe cannot find the JDK installation.

So I called the installer as instructed in the error message; from the command prompt (started with “Run as administrator")

setup.exe -jreLoc “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09”

Nothing happened. Prompt was just returned.

In the JDK path, there is a space. This could be the issue here.

So I tried the path eliminating the space.

setup.exe -jreLoc “C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0_09”

Same :(. Just returned to the prompt.

Another way; without the double-quotes;

setup.exe -jreLoc C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0_09

Now something is happening.

ODI installer was launched

It’s a regular “Welcome” screen.


I’d skip the software updates for the moment.


Selecting what’s needed to be installed. The machine I’m installing on is my development environment as well as the data locations (sources and targets). So I’d select both “Developer Installation” and “Standalone Installation”.


My system is through with installation prerequisites check.


I usually keep big installation away from C: drive. I changed installation directory to E: drive.


Better to let the installer do as much as work. So I select to “Configure Repositories”.


Connection detailed to the repository created by RCU is provided.


Supervisor password is provided as defined during setting ODI parameters.


I’d need a work repository as I have to do my developments here.


I defined my agent as “ODIAgent1” with the port 60000.


I’m skipping security updates for the moment.


I’m sure about it.


Almost there. Better to save the configuration details for future reference.


installation goes on. Hope it’ll complete without errors. Hardly have that comfort.

So far so good…

Installation completes. And configuration process is started automatically. Configurations also has been completed successfully.


Installation completed. Better to save configurations details also.


Now I have an ODI environment with a Master Repository and a Work Repository named WORKREP ready for development. Both repositories were created in a single database schema.

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Informatica Installation Guide

Informatica Installation Guide

This article provides complete step by step instruction for installation and configuration of Informatica PowerCenter 9.x. This includes  the installation of server components, configuration of different Informatica services and client installation and configuration.
  • Download Installation Pack.
  • Unpack the Installation Package.
  • Install Informatica PowerCenter Server.
  • Domain Configure.
  • Configure Repository Service.
  • Configure Integration Service.
  • Client Installation.
  • Installation Known Issues and Solution.

Download Installation Pack

Step : 1
Informatica PowerCenter trail version can be downloaded from https://edelivery.oracle.com
Log on to https://edelivery.oracle.com and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Step : 2
Choose the Product package as shown below and Click Continue.

Informatica PowerCenter 9 Download

Step : 3
Locate the download package as shown in below image.

Informatica PowerCenter 9 Download

Step : 4
Download the packages to D:\INFA9X

Unpack the Installation Package

Step : 1
Unzip all the the four downloaded zip files into D:\INFA9X. Hint : Use the program WinRAR to unzip all the files. After unzipping you will see below files and folders.

Step : 2
Unzip dac_win_101314_infa_win_32bit_910.zip into the the same folder D:\INFA9X. After unzipping you will see below files and folders.

Install Informatica PowerCenter Server
Step : 1
To locate install.exe, Navigate to D:\INFA9X\dac_win_101314_infa_win_32bit_910 as shown in below image. double click on the install.exe.

Step : 2
Installation wizard Starts.  Choose the installation type.
Click Next.

Step : 3
Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Enter the license key. You can locate the license key from D:\INFA9X\EXTRACT\Oracle_All_OS_Prod.key.
Click Next.

Step : 5
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process based on the license key.
Click Next

Step : 6
Installation Begins. It takes couple of minutes to finish. Soon after completion of this step, Configuring Domain window opens. Continue the steps from Domain Configuration.

Domain Configuration.

Step : 1
    • Choose “Create a Domain” radio button.
    • Check “Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator”
    • Leave the Port number as it is and choose “Use a keystore file generated by the installer”
Click Next.

Step : 2
Provide the Repository database details as below.
    • Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
    • Database user ID : Database user ID to connect database.
    • User Password  : Password.
    • Schema Name : If Schema name is not provided default schema will be used.
    • Database Address and Port : Machine on which database in installed and default port number.
    • Database Service Name :  Database Name.
Below image shows the configuration using SQL Server.
Click Next.

Step : 3
You can give the Domain details, Admin user details now.
    • Domain Name : Name of your Domain.
    • Node Host Name : Machine name on which Informatica Server is running.
    • Node Name : Name of the Node.
    • Node Port Number : Leave the default port Number.
    • Domain user name : This is the Administrator user
    • Domain password : Administrator password
Note : Remember your Admin User ID, Password to log on to Admin Console later in the installation.

Step : 4
Use the default configuration and Click Next.

Step : 5
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery. You get a link to the installation log file and a link to Admin console.
Click Done.

Configure Repository Service

Step : 1
Go to Start menu and Click on “Informatica Administrator Home Page”. This will open up the Admin Console in a web browser.

Step : 2
Log on to Admin console using your Admin User ID and Password. You set your Admin User ID and Password in “Domain Configuration” section Step 3


Step : 3
Once you Log on you will see the Screen just like shown below.

Step : 4
Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose “New” and “PowerCenter Repository Service”.

Step : 5
A new screen will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • Repository Name : Your Repository Name.
    • Description :  An optional description about the repository.
    • Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one Domain, this value will be pre populated.
    • License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
    • Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.

Step : 6
A new screen will appear, Provide the Repository database details.
    • Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
    • Username : Database user ID to connect database.
    • Password : Database user Password.
    • Connection String : Database Connection String.
    • Code Page : Database Code Page
    • Table Space : Database Table Space Name
    • Choose “No content exists under specified connection string. Create new content”
Click Finish

Step : 7
It takes couple of minutes create Repository content. After the repository creation below screen will be seen.

Step : 8
The repository service will be running in “Exclusive” mode as shown below. This needs to be change to “Normal” before we can configure Integration service.
Click “Edit” Repository Properties.

Step : 9
A pop up window appears, Set the properties
    • Operation Mode : Normal
    • Security Audit Trail : No
Click OK.

Click OK for the next two pop up windows which confirms the Repository Restart to change the Repository Operating Mode.

Configure Integration Service

Step : 1
Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose “New” and “PowerCenter Integration Service”.

Step : 2
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • Name : Your Integration Service Name.
    • Description :  An optional description about the repository.
    • Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one Domain, this value will be pre populated.
    • License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
    • Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.

Step : 3
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • PowerCenter Repository Service : Choose your Repository Service Name from the drop down list.
    • Username :  Admin user name.
    • Password : Admin password.
    • Data Movement Mode : ASCII.
Click Finish.

Step : 4
A pop up window will appear, Choose the Code Page as ANSI.
Click OK.

Step : 5
Window will be closed and you can see all the configured services in the “Domain Navigator”

With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for Informatica PowerCenter Server.

Client Installation.

Step : 1
Go to D:\INFA9X  as shown in below image. Click on the install.bat.

Step : 2
Installation wizard Starts.
Click Start.

Step : 3
Installation wizard Starts.  Choose the installation type as in the below image.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 5
Choose the client tools you need. Only PowerCenter  Client is mandatory.
Click Next.

Step : 6
Choose the client installation directory.
Click Next.

Step : 7
You can choose the type of Eclipse installation in this step. This window will be available if you choose to install “Informatica Developer” or “Data Transformation Studio”.
Click Next.

Step : 8
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process.
Click Next.

Step : 9
Installation Begins. It takes one or two minutes to complete this step.

Step : 10
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery.

With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for Informatica PowerCenter Client.

Installation Known Issues and Solution.

Checkout the article for the for the  Installation Known Issues and Solution.

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Informatica Installation Issues

Informatica Installation Issues and Solutions

Database driver event...Error occurred loading library [pmora8.dll]


This error occurs when the Oracle client installed in the Windows machine is 32-bit and PowerCenter is 64-bit.


To resolve this issue re-install the Oracle client 64 bit on the machine where PowerCenter 64-bit server is running.

To check which version you use, run TNSPING.

For Oracle 10g, you should have: 32 bits Oracle C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\BIN>tnsping TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 04-J+N-2 008 08:52:08

PowerCenter Informatica Services does not start on Windows


This issue is caused because the User specified during the installation is not Part of Operating System and Log on as a Service privilege and the user is not part of the Administrator Group.


Confirm that the Windows user specified in This Account has the following privileges: Act as Part of the Operating System Log on as a Service by doing the following:

Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy . Select Local Policies > User Rights Assignment . Add the user to Act as Part of the Operating System and Log on as a Service.

ERROR: "This installation package can not be opened.." when installing PowerCenter 9.x


This issue occurs because of the native zip extraction package on Windows, which results in an incomplete extraction with large files or big file names.


To resolve this issue, use another zip utility such as WinZip, Peazip, or WinRar to unzip the installation package.

ERROR: "Unable to handle request because repository content do not exist" when starting the Integration service


This error occurs when the PowerCenter Repository Service is running on Exclusive Mode


To resolve this issue, change the Repository to run on the Normal Mode and restart both the Repository and Integration Services.

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Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c Installation Overview

Pre requistics
  1. 64 bit OS is must
  2. Loopback adapter settings
  3. Make sure you unzip the downloaded setup files in the same machine where you’re intended to install obiee. I saw few issues when extracted file is brought from 2008 r2 to win8.
  4. Decide user with whom you’re proceeding with installations and ensure oraInventory access.
  5. Windows Firewall set to Off
  6. JDK 1.8.0_51+
  7. Oracle Database or;
Downloading Software

For downloading required software(s) https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi-enterprise-edition/downloads/business-intelligence-2717951.html.
Below is the list of software to be downloaded:

  1. Java Developers Kit 8 (JDK8)
    • Download For Linux and Microsoft Windows
  2. Web Logic Server
    • Download Generic (1.4 GB)
  3. Oracle Business Intelligence 12c (
    • for Microsoft Windows x86-64-bit:
    • Download File 1 (1.4 GB)
    • Download File 2 (1.8 GB)
  4. Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tool (
    • Download for Microsoft Windows x86-64-bit (676 MB)
Installation of OBIEE 12c

This installation is divided in to 4 parts as below :

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
    • Set BI_PRODUCT_HOME env variable for ex: C:\oracle\product\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

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Installing Weblogic 12c

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Extract the file so that you have fmw_12.


Click Next


Click Next


Specify the OBIEE Location Path


Click Next


Click Next


Check the Checkbox


Click Yes


Click Install


Click Next


Now move to step :Installing Oracle BI 12c

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Installing Oracle BI 12c

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Now install SetupBI_platform


Click Next


Click Next


Specify the Path


Specify the ORACLE_HOME path


Click Next


Click Next


Now move to step : Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required

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Configuring RCU

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant
Configuring RCU Now Goto obiiee12c
D:\OBIEE12C\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\bin There you the RCU setup File obiiee12c

Now move to step : Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

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Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant
Now goto D:\OBIEE12C\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin obiiee12c
Click Config.exe obiiee12c

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Migrating From OBIEE 11g to 12c in Windows

Migrating From OBIEE 11g to 12c in Windows

What you need to know before we begin:
OBIEE 12c has already been installed and configured, therefore our bi-migration-tool.jar file has been generated. Also, this example is migrating from an OBIEE release.

Overview steps

  1. Create the Export Bundle
  2. Import the Export Bundle

Before you procced keep below paths handy:

Create the Export Bundle

The export bundle is a .jar file that consists of metadata information from the 11g Oracle home.

Navigate to location [ORACLE_HOME]\bi\migration-tool\jlib location


Copy "bi-migration-tool.jar" to folder name "migration"

1. From the command line enter into above folder path (this should be where your bi-migration-tool.jar file is located)

2. Run the following command to generate the export bundle

java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out <oracle 11g home> <domain home> <output export bundle path>

Where :

  • out is telling the migration tool to lierform the export operation
  • <oracle 11g home> is the Oracle BI home directory
  • <domain home> is the 11g domain directory
  • is the location where you want the export bundle. NOTE: the file must have a .jar extension

Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\Oracle_BI1 E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar

If everything is successful you will receive an Export succeeded message from the command prompt and you should be able to locate your export file in the location specified in the previous command. obiiee12c
Import the Export Bundle

Again, 12c has been installed and configured, so our domain and BI instance have already been created. With that in mind, we will be using the BI Migration script to import the export bundle. You can use the BI 12c Configuration Assistant to reference the export bundle if you’re configuring 12c for the first time.

1. You should be in the same file location as before:

2. Run the following command:

java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in <12c Oracle Home> <12c domain home> <export bundle> <service instance name>

  • in tells the migration tool to perform an import operation
  • e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home is the Oracle Home
  • e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home\user_projects\domains\bat_domain is the 12c domain directory
  • e:\11g\11gexport.jar is the previously created export bundle
  • ssi is the BI service instance

Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\product\Oracle_Home E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\config\domains\bi E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar ssi


3. You will be prompted to enter the RPD password


4. If the migration is successful you will receive a Migration action succeeded message


To verify login to OBIEE 12c and you should see your dashboards, subject areas, etc that have been imported from your 11g.


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Using Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool

Experimenting with the new Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool

The Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool is a long overdue new tool introduced in 12c that allows BI administrators to perform regression testing after a BI migration or a BI upgrade. The goal of this post is to document my experimentation with this new tool in Windows 7. As an example I’ve got an environment with OBIEE installed and another equivalent environment with version The BVT is run from the command with a configuration file and set of arguments. Following are the high-level steps for using the Oracle BI BVT:

  1. Establish a baseline (set of dashboards, reports), in this example we compare all items
  2. Configure the configuration file to specify the location of the target catalog, Oracle BI Presentation Services login information, and the plug-ins to activate. A sample configuration testconfig.xml is provided out the box, one can create a new using the BVT utility
  3. Run the Oracle BVT tool three times:
    • First run to generate the baseline
    • Second run to generate the same data from the patched environment
    • Third run to compare results between the before and after web catalog

The BVT allows a fine grain level comparison allowing even the ability to set a maximum tolerance for floating point fluctuations between reports.

Oracle BI Validation Tool Installation
  • Java 1.6 and higher
  • Windows: Windows 7 and higher, Windows Server 2012 and higher
  • Linux: Oracle Linux U5 or Oracle Linux 7
  • Mozilla Firefox or IE

It  is shipped with the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tool, after installation, the tool is located in

[Installation Folder]\bi\components\oracle.bi.bvt

BVT tool

Once the zip file is uncompressed

BVT tool

Configuration File

BVT tool

Looking at the sample configuration file, there are 2 sections:


Description of the target environment that the tests will run against, the deployment name can be updated in order to describe your specific environment, in our case we will define the following deployment names; “OBIEE11117base” to designate our baseline OBIEE environment and ““OBIEE11119upgrade” to designate the upgraded environment. The deployment names will be fed to the BVT as command line arguments

Test Plug-ins
BVT tool

This section describes the different types of comparisons (5) that are available for the web catalog; each type of comparison is developed as a plug-in. Following are the plug-ns available out of the box:

  • Catalog Plug-in Compares the metadata of objects in catalog folders,
  • UI Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.ui] : Compares screen captures of individual analyses and dashboards.
  • Reports Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.report]: Exports the results of the analyses to CSV and generates a comparison report.
  • Logical Query Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.logicalquery] : Downloads and saves the logical SQL generated for analyses
  • Dashboard Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.dashboard]: Exports the results of the analyses to XML and generates a comparison

The plug-ins can be enabled by setting the “enabled” tag to true.

Let’s update the sample configuration file and capture the baseline for our OBIEE web catalog. We enter the URL for the BI environment and the username/password. Note that you can chose to enter the password as a command line argument with the “-password” flag followed by the actual password; if no value is passed with the flag, you will be prompted to enter it.

BVT tool

We run the following command in order to capture our baseline, the syntax to capture the configuration for our BI is:

bin\obibvt.bat -config TestConfig.xml -deployment BI11117base

BVT tool

Where testconfig.xml is the name of the configuration file and BI111117base is the deployment name to run. As an example, we’ve enabled all the tests and run the BVT to capture our OBIEE baseline. A folder named after the deployment name is created under the results folder, a progress status is displayed on the screen while the processing is underway.

BVT tool

Note that you can set timeout for loading each report, by default, the timeout to download a single report is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds). Once the script is done executing, sub folders are created in the main results folder

BVT tool

We run the script again in order to capture the environment, this will enable us to run comparisons between environments

bin\obibvt.bat -config TestConfig.xml -deployment BI11119

Once the script is done running, a second folder is created in the main Results folder

BVT tool

We can now run the same script with the –compareresults flag in order to perform comparisons between the and the environments.

BVT tool

Now navigate to the Comparisons folders and examine the differences between and; for each test there is an html file with the color coded test results, relevant details and hyperlinks to items of concern.

Web Catalog comparisons

Details are provided such as :

  • number of of BI objects in the base environment
  • number of BI objects in the target environment
  • items only present in the base environment
  • items only present in the target environment
  • items that are different

Drill down links provide more details where there are exceptions

BVT tool
Dashboard comparisons

Differences between dashboard details are provided.

BVT tool
Logical Query comparisons

Differences in logical SQLs between both environments are documented.

BVT tool
Reports Comparisons

An export to CSV of the results for each of the analyses is performed for each environment and a comparison report is performed.

BVT tool
UI comparisons

UI plugin compares screen captures pixel by pixel of individual analyses and dashboards and displays a comparison report side by side. A score is assigned to each comparison based on the match: a score of 1 indicates a perfect match while 0 indicates a complete mismatch. The threshold for a pass of fail score can be set in the configuration file, it is 0.95 by default. The side by side comparisons is very handy and help you see the discrepancies in look and feel.

BVT tool

p.s: Note that we were only to have all tests run successfully using Firefox version 34.0; tests will fail while running with Internet 11.0 and Firefox 42.0 we got the following error in the log:

NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80570015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE)

Apparently this error is caused by the Selenium web driver in later version of Firefox, you can read more about it here.

It is worth noting that there is a flag in the configuration file that allows you (1) to set the default browser for running the tests and (2) another flag where you can specify the number of browser instances to run concurrently while performing the tests.

BVT tool

The goal of this post was to document a preliminary experiment with the new regression testing tool that shipped with obiee 12c; setting up the configuration and the running comparisons is fairly straightforward; the results are detailed and handy. There is no doubt that this tool will be useful for OBIEE regression testing. In conclusion, the Oracle BI development team is making big strides in addressing pain points that have made working with OBIEE and migrating and maintaining different Oracle BI environments a challenge. One shortcoming of the tool though is that BI-Publisher reports are not included in the comparisons, hopefully future releases of the BVT will include this type of comparisons.

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How to start and stop services in OBIEE 12c

How to start and stop services in OBIEE 12c

OBIEE 12c has very simple commands to restart services. but very useful.

Go to below path



Start.cmd for start services

Stop.cmd for stop services

Status.cmd for Status of the services



Start.sh for start services

Stop.sh for stop services

Status.sh for Status of the services

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Downloading the required for Oracle Endeca

Downloading the installation packages for WebLogic Server, ADF Runtime, and the Sun JDK

To download the installation packages for Oracle Endeca Information Discovery:

1. Log in to https://edelivery.oracle.com.

2. On the Terms and Restrictions page, check the checkboxes to accept the terms and restrictions, then click Continue.

3. On the Media Pack Search page:
(a) From the Select a Product Pack drop-down list, select Oracle Endeca.
(b) From the Platform drop-down list, select Windows.
(c) Click Go.

Steps for Downloading JDK 6

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Installing the Sun Java JDK for Oracle Endeca

Installing the Sun Java JDK

When you install the Sun Java SDK, you must install it to a path that does not have any spaces.

To install the Sun Java SDK:

1. Double-click the JDK installer file that you downloaded (jdk-6u43-windows-x64.exe). The welcome page of the JDK installation wizard is displayed.

2. On the welcome page, click Next.

3. On the Custom Setup page, because the default installation location (under space, you must change it here. To change the JDK installation location:

4. The Destination Folder page sets the location of the public JRE. Because this JRE is not used by Endeca Information Discovery, you can leave the default directory. Click Next.

The installation process begins.

When the installation is completed, click Close.

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Installing WebLogic Server for Oracle Endeca

Installing WebLogic Server

After downloading the installation packages and installing the JDK, you next install WebLogic Server. Note that this procedure only installs the minimum WebLogic Server configuration needed for Oracle Endeca Information Discovery.

To install WebLogic Server:

1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you placed wls1036_generic.jar.

2. To launch the installer, issue the following command:

java -jar wls1036_generic.jar

The Welcome page of the installation wizard is displayed.

3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

4. On the Choose Middleware Home Directory page:
(a) Click the Create a new Middleware Home radio button.
(b) Accept the default location for the Middleware Home Directory.
(c) Click Next.

5. To bypass the Register for Security Updates page:
(a) Click Next without entering an email address.
(b) On the Email Address Not Specified dialog, click Yes.
(c) On the Are You Sure? dialog, click Yes.
(d) If the Connection failed dialog is displayed, check the I wish to remain uninformed of security
issues in my configuration or the machine has no Internet access checkbox, then click Continue.

6. On the Choose Install Type page, click the Custom radio button, then click Next.

7. On the Choose Products and Components page, check the following products, then click Next:
• Core Application Server
• Administration Console
• Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework
• Evaluation Database

8. On the JDK Selection page, verify that the JDK you installed is selected. If it is, click Next.
If that version of the JDK is not selected:
(a) Under Local JDK, click the Browse button.
(b) Browse to and select the directory that contains the JDK (C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_43\).
The Local JDK section is updated to display the selected JDK with a checked box next to it.

(c) Click Next.
9. On the Choose Product Installation Directories page, accept the default installation directory, then
click Next.

10. If the Install Windows Service page is displayed, click the No radio button, then click Next.

11. If the Choose Shortcut Location page is displayed, click a radio button to select the location of the Windows shortcut, then click Next.

12. On the Installation Summary page, verify that you are installing the correct products, then click Next.

13. On the Installation Complete page, uncheck the Run Quickstart checkbox, then click Done.

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Installing Oracle ADF Runtime for Oracle Endeca

Installing Oracle ADF Runtime

After you install WebLogic Server, you next install ADF Runtime, which contains the JRF needed byOracle Endeca Server.

To install Oracle ADF Runtime:

1. Unpack the ADF zip package (m_appdev_generic_11.
The package contains:
• readme.htm file
• Disk1 directory
• Disk2 directory

2. From a command prompt, change to the Disk1 directory.

3. Run the installer:

setup.exe -jreLoc
is the full path to the location of the Sun Java 6 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) that
you installed. The JRE is located in the JDK installation directory.

For example:
setup.exe -jreLoc c:\Java\jdk1.6.0_43\jre

The Welcome page of the ADF installation wizard is displayed.

4. On the Welcome page, read the information, then click Next.

5. On the Install Software Updates page, click the Skip Software Updates radio button, then click Next.

6. On the Prerequisite Checks page, wait until the installation process passes all the necessary checks.If everything passes the checks, click Next.

7. On the Specify Installation Location page, verify that the Oracle Middleware Home directory is the location where you installed WebLogic, then click Next.

8. On the Application Server page, click the WebLogic Server radio button, then click Next.

9. On the Installation Summary page, verify the installation details, then click Install.

10. On the Installation Progress page, when the installation process has completed, click Next.

11. On the Installation Complete page, to exit the installer, click Finish.

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Running the Oracle Endeca Server installer for Oracle Endeca

Running the Oracle Endeca Server installer
To install Oracle Endeca Server:
1. Unpack the Endeca Server zip file to a temporary directory.

The resulting endecaserver directory contains a Disk1 subdirectory.

2. From a command prompt, change to the Disk1 directory, then run the installer:

setup.exe -jreLoc
is the full path to the location of the Sun Java 6 JRE (Java Runtime Environment) that
you installed earlier.

For example:
setup.exe -jreLoc C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_43\jre
The installation wizard Welcome page is displayed.

3. On the Welcome page, read the information, then click Next.

4. On the Prerequisite Checks page, if everything passes the checks, click Next.

5. On the Specify Installation Location page:
(a) For the Oracle Middleware Home field, verify the name of the Oracle Middleware home directory.
(b) For the Oracle Home Directory field, accept the default Endeca Server home directory.
This is the root directory of the Endeca Server installation.
(c) Click Next.

6. On the Select Deploy Mode page, uncheck the YES checkbox, then click Next.

7. On the Installation Summary page, verify the installation details, then click Install.

8. On the Installation Progress page, when the installation progress has completed, click Next.

9. On the Installation Complete page, to exit the installation wizard, click Finish.

When the installation finishes, the Endeca Server files and directories are written to the Oracle Home Location.

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Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server for Oracle Endeca

Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server
The Endeca Server installation includes a WebLogic domain template that you use to create the Endeca Server WebLogic domain.

To create the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server:

1. From a command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Configuration Wizard start-up program:

2. To start the Configuration Wizard, run the following command:
The Configuration Wizard Welcome page is displayed.

3. On the Welcome page, click the Create a new WebLogic domain radio button, then click Next.

4. On the Select Domain Source page, check the Oracle Endeca Server checkbox. The Oracle JRF checkbox is then checked automatically. Click Next.

5. On the Specify Domain Name and Location page:

(a) Set the domain name to endeca_server_domain.
(b) Keep the default domain location.
(c) Click Next.

6. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, to create the administrator credentials for starting WebLogic Server:

(a) In the Name field, type the name for the new administrator user.
(b) In the User password field, type the user password.
The password must be at least eight alphanumeric characters long, and contain at least one number or special character.
(c) In the Confirm user password field, retype the password.
(d) Optionally, in the Description field, type a description for the user account.
(e) Click Next.

7. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page:

(a) Under WebLogic Domain Startup Mode, click the Production Mode radio button.
(b) Under JDK Selection, click the Available JDKs radio button.
(c) In the JDK list, click the Sun Java SDK that you installed. If the Sun Java JDK is not displayed,
click the Other JDK button, and then browse for the Sun Java JDK home:
(d) Click Next.

8. On the Select Optional Configuration page, do not select any optional configurations. Click Next.

9. On the Configuration Summary page, to create the domain, click Create.

On the Creating Domain page, the message "Domain Created Successfully!" signifies the end of the domain creation process
10. To exit the Configuration Wizard, click Done.

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Verifying the Endeca Server deployment for Oracle Endeca

Verifying the Endeca Server deployment
After installing the Endeca Server, you should verify that the Endeca Server application was correctly deployed.
To verify the Endeca Server application deployment:

1. To start the Admin Server for the Endeca Server domain, run

Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu, select Oracle WebLogic>User_Projects>endeca_server_domain>Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain.

2. When prompted, enter the administrator user name and password for the Endeca Server domain.

3. From a Web browser, go to the Administration Server console at

4. On the Administration Console login page, log in using the domain administrator user name and password.

5. Under Domain Structure, in the endeca_server_domain tree, click Deployments.

6. In the Deployments table, check the oracle.endecaserver Web application (on the second page of the list).
Its State should be "Active" and its Health should be "OK".

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Installing Integrator

Installing Integrator

Integrator is installed as a machine-wide installation on Windows.
This type of installation requires administrator permissions and is used because it is intended for a production environment. To complete this installation, you need the Integrator package you downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

To install Integrator on a Windows client:

1. From the Integrator package, extract EID_3.0_Integrator_designer.exe.This is the Integrator installer file.

2. To start the wizard, double-click the installer file.

The wizard verifies the contents of the installation package. 3. To begin the installation process, click Next.

4. On the Copyright and Legal page, click Next.

5. On the Destination Folder page, accept the default installation directory, then click Next. You must install Integrator into an empty directory.

6. On the Completing the Setup Wizard page, click Next.

The wizard begins to install the Integrator files.

7. When the wizard confirms that you have successfully completed the installation, click Finish.

8. After installation, to start the program, double-click the Integrator shortcut icon.

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Creating the WebLogic domain for Studio for Oracle Endeca

Creating the WebLogic domain for Studio

Before you can install Studio, you must create the WebLogic domain in which to deploy it.

To create the WebLogic domain for Studio:
1. From a command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Configuration Wizard start-up program:

2. To start the Configuration Wizard, run the following command:

The Configuration Wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. On the Welcome page, click the Create a new WebLogic domain radio button, then click Next.

4. On the Select Domain Source page, the Basic WebLogic Server Domain checkbox is checked by default. Click Next.

5. On the Specify Domain Name and Location page:

(a) Set the domain name to endeca_studio_domain.
(b) Keep the default domain location.
(c) Click Next.

6. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, to create the administrator credentials for starting the Studio domain:

(a) In the Name field, type the name for the new administrator user.
(b) In the User password field, type the user password.
The password must be at least eight alphanumeric characters long and contain at least one number or special character.

(c) In the Confirm user password field, retype the password.
(d) Optionally, in the Description field, type a description for the user account.
(e) Click Next.

7. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page:

(a) Under WebLogic Domain Startup Mode, click the Production Mode radio button.
(b) Under JDK Selection, click the Available JDKs radio button.
(c) In the JDK list, click the Sun Java JDK that you installed earlier. If the JDK is not displayed, click the Other JDK button, and then browse to it (C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_43\).
(d) Click Next.

8. On the Select Optional Configuration page, check the Administration Server checkbox, then click Next.

9. On the Configure the Administration Server page:
(a) Use the default values for the Name and Listen address fields.
(b) In the Listen port field, type 8101.
(c) Click Next.

10. On the Configuration Summary page, to create the domain, click Create.

On the Creating Domain page, the message "Domain Created Successfully!" signifies the end of the domain creation process.

11. To exit the Configuration Wizard, click Done.

12. Update setDomainEnv.cmd.

The file is located in the bin subdirectory of the domain directory
(C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endeca_studio_domain\bin) .
(a) Add the JAVA_OPTIONS argument close to the top of the file.

set JAVA_OPTIONS=-DUseSunHttpHandler=true -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory =com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory =com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory =com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl

Note that if you're copying and pasting out of this guide, make sure to remove any line breaks after pasting the text into the file.

(b) Update all of the Java perm size arguments in the file to replace all occurrences of XX:MaxPermSize=128m and -XX:MaxPermSize=256m with -XX:MaxPermSize=512m.

(c) Update all of the memory arguments in the file to replace all occurrences of -Xmx512m with Xmx1024m.

13. To verify that there are no conflicting applications on the domain's root context:

(a) Start the domain.
In C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endeca_studio_domain, run startWebLogic.cmd.
Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu, select Oracle WebLogic>User_Projects>endeca_studio_domain>Start Admin Server for Weblogic Domain.
b) When prompted, enter the domain user name and password.

c) After the domain is started, in a browser, go to the root context path https://:

For example: https://localhost:8101

you get a "page not found" (404) error, then there are no applications on the domain's root context,and you can continue the Studio installation process.

you see the login page for a previously deployed Studio application, then you should un-deploy this application.

you see another application, then you should log in to the WebLogic Console, and then either remove the application or untarget it from the WebLogic Server instance.
For example, one common conflicting application is Oracle Enterprise Manager, which deploys an application to /em, but also installs the FMW Welcome Page Application to the root context.

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Deploying Studio into the domain for Oracle Endeca

Deploying Studio into the domain
To install Studio, you use the WebLogic Administration Console to deploy endeca-portal-weblogic3.0.x.ear into the WebLogic domain.

When you deploy using these instructions, the following default locations are used:

Context path --> Studio is deployed to the domain's root context.
Liferay Home directory --> The Liferay Home directory is C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains.
To deploy endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear into the Studio WebLogic domain:
1. Set up the Liferay Home directory (C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains):
(a) Extract the file portal-ext.properties from the top level of EID_3.0.x_Studio_portal_weblogic.zip.
(b) Place portal-ext.properties in the Liferay Home directory.
(c) In the Liferay Home directory, create the following subdirectories: -

• \data\endeca-data-sources
• deploy
• weblogic-deploy

2. If WebLogic Server isn't already started, then to start it, run the WebLogic Server startup script(C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endeca_studio_domain\startWebLogic.cmd).
Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu, select Oracle WebLogic>User_Projects>endeca_studio_domain>Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain.

3. Extract endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear from EID_3.0.x_Studio_portal_weblogic.zip.

4. Use the WebLogic Administration Console to deploy endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.ear into the domain.
(a) Go to the Administration Console at https://localhost:8101/console.
(b) On the login page, log in using the domain administrator user name and password.
(c) Under Helpful Tools, click Configure applications.

(d) If necessary, click Lock & Edit at the top left of the page.
(e) Click the Install button.

(f) Use the file browser to find the endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear file, then click the radio button to the left of it.

(g) Click Next.
(h) On the next page, under Choose targeting style, make sure the Install this deployment as an application radio button is selected, then click Next.

(i) On the next page, accept the default selections, then click Finish.

(j) If necessary, click Activate Changes.

The deployment may take several minutes. Make sure you do not try to log in to Studio before the deployment is complete.
5. When the deployment process is completed, the deployment status is Prepared. To start the deployment:
(a) In the Deployments list, check the checkbox for the Studio deployment.

(b) Click the Start button.
(c) From the drop-down list, select Servicing all requests.
(d) Under Start Deployments, click Yes.

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Creating the WebLogic domain for and installing the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca

Creating the WebLogic domain for and installing the Provisioning Service
You use the Provisioning Service domain template to create the WebLogic domain for and install the Provisioning Service.
To create the WebLogic domain and install the Provisioning Service:

1. Unzip the Provisioning Service .zip file into a temporary directory.

2. From a command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Configuration Wizard start-up program:
3. To start the Configuration Wizard, run the following command:

The Configuration Wizard Welcome page is displayed.

4. On the Welcome page, select Create a new WebLogic domain, then click Next.

5. On the Select Domain Source page:
(a) Click the Base this domain on an existing template radio button.
(b) Click the Browse button, and then browse to the directory where you unzipped the Provisioning Service installation package.
(c) Select the file eidProvisioningTemplate.jar.
(d) After selecting the file, click Next.

6. On the Specify Domain Name and Location page:
(a) The default domain name is oracle.eid-ps.
(b) Do not change the Domain location or Application location.
(c) Click Next.

7. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, to create the administrator credentials for starting the Provisioning Service domain:

(a) In the Name field, type the name for the new administrator user.
(b) In the User password field, type the user password.
The password must be at least eight alphanumeric characters long and contain at least one number or special character.
(c) In the Confirm user password field, retype the password.
(d) Optionally, in the Description field, type a description for the user account.
(e) Click Next.

8. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page:
(a) Under WebLogic Domain Startup Mode, click the Production Mode radio button.
(b) Under JDK Selection, click the Available JDKs radio button.
(c) In the JDK list, click the Sun Java JDK that you installed earlier. If the JDK is not displayed, click the Other JDK button, and then browse to it (C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\).
(d) Click Next.

9. On the Select Optional Configuration dialog, check Administration Server, then click Next

10. On the Configure the Administration Server dialog:
(a) Use the default values for the Name and Listen address fields.
(b) In the Listen port field, type 8201.
(c) In the SSL listen port field, type 8202.
(d) Click Next.

11. On the Configuration Summary page, to create the domain, click Create.

12. On the Creating Domain page, the message "Domain Created Successfully!" signifies the end of the create process.

13. To exit the Configuration Wizard, click Done.

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Configuring the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca

Configuring the Provisioning Service
Before running the Provisioning Service, you must configure it.
To configure the Provisioning Service, open the file

Change the following settings:

Setting and Value pairs endeca-server-ws-port : 7001
endeca-server-security-enabled : false
upload-file-directory: Optional. If you do not change this setting, the Provisioning Service uses the operating system temporary directory. Because this directory is not very secure, and scripts often modify its contents, it is recommended that you specify a directory. The directory you specify must exist, and the user that runs the Provisioning Service must have write permissions on the directory.
transport-guarantee : NONE
protected-url-pattern : /DISABLED

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Verifying the Provisioning Service deployment for Oracle Endeca

Verifying the Provisioning Service deployment

After you finish installing the Provisioning Service, you can confirm that it runs.
To confirm the Provisioning Service deployment:

1. To start the Admin Server for the Provisioning Service domain, run

2. When prompted, enter the administrator user name and password for the Provisioning Service domain.

3. From a Web browser, go to the Administration Server console at


4. In the Domain Structure section of the page, click Deployments.

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Configuring the Studio connection to the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca

Configuring the Studio connection to the Provisioning Service
In order to be able to create Studio applications via file upload, you must configure the connection from Studio to the Provisioning Service.

To configure the Provisioning Service connection from Studio:
1. Log in to Studio.

2. From the Studio menu, select Control Panel.

3. In the Control Panel menu, under Information Discovery, click Provisioning Service.

4. On the Provisioning Service page, edit the connection string to:
• Change the server name to localhost.
• Change the port number to 8201.
• Remove the sslConfig section.
When you finish, the connection string should look like:
"port": "8201",
"server": "localhost"

5. Click Save.
Studio saves and validates the connection information.

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Oracle Endeca Installation Guidelines

Oracle Endeca Installation Guidelines
  1. Downloading the required for Oracle Endeca
  2. Installing the Sun Java JDK for Oracle Endeca
  3. Installing WebLogic Server and ADF Runtime for Oracle Endeca
    1. Installing WebLogic Server for Oracle Endeca
    2. Installing Oracle ADF Runtime for Oracle Endeca
  4. Installing Oracle Endeca Server
    For Endeca Server, you first install the application, then create a WebLogic domain for it.
    1. Running the Oracle Endeca Server installer for Oracle Endeca
    2. Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server for Oracle Endeca
    3. Verifying the Endeca Server deployment for Oracle Endeca
  5. Installing Integrator
  6. Installing Studio
    To install Studio, you first create the WebLogic domain for it, then deploy Studio into that domain.
    1. Creating the WebLogic domain for Studio for Oracle Endeca
    2. Deploying Studio into the domain for Oracle Endeca
  7. Installing the Provisioning Service
    For the Provisioning Service, you use its domain template to create the WebLogic domain, then update the configuration.
    1. Creating the WebLogic domain for and installing the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca
    2. Configuring the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca
    3. Verifying the Provisioning Service deployment for Oracle Endeca
    4. Configuring the Studio connection to the Provisioning Service for Oracle Endeca

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Oracle Weblogic 11g Installation

Weblogic 11g Installation

Install Java 64Bit:


Download the latest and check for compliance matrix.

Download WebLogic Server 10.3.6

Oracle Weblogic 11g


1. Install Java
2. Go to the folder where Weblogic server has been downloaded

Oracle Weblogic 11g

3. java -Xmx1024m -jar wls1036_generic.jar (This is for Windows 64bit only)

Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g
Oracle Weblogic 11g

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ODI 12c Installation

ODI 12c Installation on Windows (12.1.3)

Installation of ODI 12.1.3 is much easier and smoother than 12.1.2. Entire installation process consists of 2 wizards: infrastructure and odi.

Download ODI 12.1.3 Installers

From Oracle Website: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/data-integrator/downloads/index.html download the following .zip installers:
+ Oracle Data Integrator 12cR1 (12.1.3) + Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Unzip 2 downloaded files and you should see the following 2 folders in your odi_12c_installer folder:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

FWM Infrastructure Installation

Run infrastructure jar installer:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Welcome screen:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Pick the location of Oracle_Home:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation type (we go with “Fusion Middleware Infrastructure with Examples”):

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Prerequisites Check (java version and space available check)

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Security updates:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation process:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

ODI 12.1.3 Installation

Run ODI installer:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Welcome screen:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation locaation:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation type (we go with “Enterprise Installation”):

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Prerequisite checks:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation progress:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Installation Complete:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Start ODI Studio:

You can find installed ODI 12c components in start menu:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Start ODI 12c Studio:

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Oracle Data Integrator 12c

Post-Installation steps:

In relation to post-installation steps we need to create master and work repositories as well as configure ODI agents.

Create Master and Work Repositories:

Master and work repositories can be created with:

  • ODI Studio Wizard
  • RCU (Repository Creation Utility) that can be launched from: Oracle_HOME\oracle_common\bin\rcu.bat

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Oracle XE Database 11g Installation

Oracle Database 11g XE Installation

When you download the software from Oracle, you’ll need an account and you’ll need to accept the license agreement.
You’re prompted to accept the license agreement and can’t proceed without doing it.
Oracle DB 11g

After accepting the license agreement you can download the software.
Unlike, the Oracle 10g XE MSI file, you’ve downloaded a compressed (OracleXE112_Win32.zip) file, and you’ll need to explode the zip file and write it to a directory. When you write it to a directory, it looks like the following and you double click on the setup.msi file.
Oracle DB 11g
It’s recommended that you right click on the setup.msi program and run it as the Administrator. If you’ve not disabled Microsoft User Access Controls (UAC), I’d do that first.
Oracle DB 11g
After launching the setup.msi file, you see the Install Shield wizard screen while the file loads, like this:
Oracle DB 11g
After launching the setup.msi file, and loading the MSI file, you see the first dialog box of the installation. Click the Next button to start the installation.
Oracle DB 11g
The second dialog box is the license for the installation. Click the I accept the terms in the license agreement. radio button and then the Next button.
Oracle DB 11g
Accept the default location or provide an override location. If you accept the default location, click the Next button to continue.
Oracle DB 11g
Specify the TNS, MTS, and HTTP Ports. The default values are shown in the following screen shot but I’ve change my TNS port to 1621, which you’ll see later. Click the Next button to continue.
Oracle DB 11g
Enter the password for the SYS and SYSTEM users. You must enter it twice and naturally they must match each other. Click the Next button to continue.
Oracle DB 11g
See the configuration options you’ve chosen. Note that this installation is using a TNS port of 1621 rather than the default of 1521. Click the Next button to continue.
Oracle DB 11g
Click the Next button to continue.
Oracle DB 11g
Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
Oracle DB 11g
You’ve now installed Oracle Database 11g Express Edition. You can start the command line by typing sqlplus system/password in command shell or the Get Started option in your Program Menus, as shown below.
Oracle DB 11g
You should see this console when you launch Get Started or manually type https://localhost:8080/apex. There’s more to the web page but I scrunched it to fit into the blog. Alas, space is always at a premium.
Oracle DB 11g

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Bulk User/Group Creation in OBIEE using WLST

Bulk User/Group Creation in OBIEE using WLST

To create users in bulk and assigning groups for those users, use below python script and follow steps as given in screenshot

Step 1: Create userCreation.ph file as below:

adminUser = 'weblogic' 
adminPassword = 'pwd' 
adminURL = 'adminserver_url:port' 

connect(adminUser, adminPassword, adminURL) 
print 'lookup DefaultAuthenticator'
password = 'weblogic123'
print 'create group gcp_group'
group = 'gcp_group'
users = ['user1','user2']
for user in users:       
  print 'create user: ',user

Step 2: Navigate to the below path

\Oracle_BI1\common\bin\wlst.cmd userCreation.py

Step 3: Login to the Admin console and check whether the users are created or not.

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Archival of old OBIEE RPD File

Archival of old OBIEE RPD File
Every time a modified RPD is promoted through weblogic or WLST and python scripts, a new version of the RPD file get’s created with a version number suffix (for example, SampleApp_bi001.rpd). This version number is incremented each time repository is uploaded. Depending on RPD modification changes, we have seen more than 100 versions of the RPD files in a year in DEV env.

Another major issue we noticed that after certain version number ( Oracle couldn’t provide settings where max version number is set), after promoting new RPD, the version number resets back to some random value and old RPD file get’s deployed.

To avoid old RPD getting deployed and to keep RPD folder (\\\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1\repository)clean, I have developed a python script which keeps 3 latest versions of RPD and archives rest of the versions.


import shutil
import os

# Change path of the source folder

source = os.listdir(path)


# Calculate min and max version numbers of the RPD file
# RPD name SampleApp_BI0013.rpd

for files in source:
  if len(files) > 7:
   if largest is None:
        largest = num
    elseif num > largest:
        largest = num

    if smallest is None:
         smallest = num
   elseif num < smallest:
         smallest = num

# Initialize a counter to count number of files moved to archive folder

# Keeping latest 3 RPD version files
for i in range (smallest, largest-2):
    for files in source:
        if len(files) > 7:
         if i == mmn:
               src = path +"/"+files
               dst = "/oracle/middle/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/archive"+"/"+files
                shutil.move(src, dst)
print j, "files are moved"

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OBIEE RPD Deployment Automation using WLST

OBIEE RPD Deployment Automation using WLST

Deploying OBIEE RPD using FMW Enterprise Manager is quite slower and time consuming if RPD deployments are frequent. OBIEE RPD deployment can be automated using OBIEE provided WLST (Weblogic Scripting tool ) and custom python scripts.

The python script (deployer.py ) calls WLST to performs below tasks:

  1. Connects to WLST
  2. Locks the System
  3. Uploads the RPD
  4. Commits Changes
  5. Restarts BI Services
deployer.py script:

# This scripts expects the following arguments:
# 1. wls.host (localhost)
# 2. wls.port (7001)
# 3. wls.user  (user1)
# 4. wls.password  (password1)
# 5. repository filename and location
# 6. repository password
# ===================================================================
import sys
import os
# Check that the arguments to this script are as expected.
# argv[0] is script name, [1]-[6] are the user parameters

argLen = len(sys.argv)
if argLen -1 != 6:
    print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
    print "USAGE: wlst.cmd RPDUpload.py WLS_HOST WLS_PORT WLS_USER WLS_PASSWORD repository_location repository_password"
    print "   eg: wlst.cmd RPDUpload.py localhost 7001 weblogic welcome1 c:\SampleAppLite.rpd Admin123" 
WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
rpdlocation = sys.argv[5]
rpdpassword = sys.argv[6]

# Connect to the WLS Admin Server, so that the script then runs “online”
print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);

# Connect to the BIDomainMBean that controls the BI domain
# We will use this MBean to lock and then commit our config changes

print 'Connecting to Domain ...'

cd ('oracle.biee.admin')

cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')

# define the MBean parameters and data types as arrays  
objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String)

# Invoke the lock operation from the BIDomainMBean
# (equivalent to the Lock and Edit Configuration button in 
# Enterprise Manager

print 'Locking the domain ...'


# Read the name of the first instance from first entry 
# in the BIInstances property within the BIDomainMBean
# (initially returned as an array, first value selected)

biinstances = get('BIInstances')
biinstance = biinstances[0]

# Connect to the corresponding BIInstanceMBean

print ('Connecting to BIInstance MBean')

cd ('..')
cd (biinstance.toString())

# Retrieve the name of the MBean for managing the 
# BI Server configuration

biserver = get('ServerConfiguration')

# Connect to the ServerConfigurationMBean for this BI Server

cd ('..')
cd (biserver.toString())

# Now prepare for the RPD upload
# Prepare arrays for parameters and datatypes
# Load the parameters with the RPD name and password
# Then invoke the uploadRepository within the ServerConfigurationMBean

print ('Uploading repository ...')

argtypes = jarray.array(['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String)
argvalues = jarray.array([rpdlocation,rpdpassword],java.lang.Object)


# Now go back to the BIDomainMBean and commit the change
# (equivalent to the Activate Changes button in Enterprise Manager)

print ('Committing the update ...')

objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String)


print ('Now restarting the instance, to pick up the new RPD file')

print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
cd ('..')
cd (biinstance.toString())

# The BIInstanceMBean controls the overall status of
# the Oracle instance, and if directed to stop or start
# will stop/start all components together

print 'Getting instance status ...'

# ServiceStatus property in BIInstanceMBean returns
# the current status of the instance

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

# Stop action, if invoked, will stop entire instance

print 'Calling stop ...'
objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
invoke('stop', objs, strs)

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

# Start action will start the instance, and pick up
# the configuration change (the new RPD file path)

print 'Calling start ...'
objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
invoke('start', objs, strs)

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

print 'RPD Upload now complete!'


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After 7yrs in marriage trying to conceive and fibroid was getting over my life. In the end it's my greatest joy, after the help of DR.Easbnam I fell pregnant. I'm recommending everyone out here who is trying to get pregnant no matter the conditions that delay your pregnancy, either physical or spiritual problems holding your womb. you should also contact DR.Easbnam there will be a greater testimony for you. > email or whatsapp call... [email protected] + 2348106600701 {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} STROKE {5} HPV {6} PREGNANCY ISSUES {7} HEPATITIS {8} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.. (9)CANCER (10) FIBROID (11) Low blood pressure


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ODI Upgrade

# Start nohup $WLS_HOME/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 10 nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startWebLogic.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 120 nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh odi_server1 > /dev/null 2>&1 & # Stop $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh odi_server1 $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopWebLogic.sh

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[ENGINE] #DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version= [GENERIC] #Set this to true if you want to create a new BI System, all other required variables need to be provided. If this is set to true then variables "SCALEOUT_BISYSTEM" and "EXTEND_BISYSTEM" must be set to false, since the variables are mutually exclusive. CREATE_BISYSTEM=false #Set this to true if you want to scale out an existing BI System, all other required variables need to be provided. If this is set to true then variables "CREATE_BISYSTEM","EXTEND_BISYSTEM" and "UPDATE_BIDOMAIN" must be set to false, since the variables are mutually exclusive. In order to scale out an existing BI system, the domain in the system must be running SCALEOUT_BISYSTEM=false #Set this to true if you want to configure BI System in an existing exmpty domain in the localhost, all other required variables need to be provided. If this is set to true then variables "CREATE_BISYSTEM","SCALEOUT_BISYSTEM" and "UPDATE_BIDOMAIN" must be set to false, since the variables are mutually exclusive. EXTEND_BISYSTEM=false #Set this to true if you want to update an existing BI System running on the localhost, all other required variables need to be provided. If this is set to true then variables "CREATE_BISYSTEM","EXTEND_BISYSTEM" and "SCALEOUT_BISYSTEM" must be set to false, since the variables are mutually exclusive. UPDATE_BIDOMAIN=true #Write the name of the domain you want to create. Domain name may only contain alphanumeric characters, or the underscore (_) or hyphen (-) characters. DOMAIN_NAME=hp_obi_domain #Write the name of the cell you want to create. Cell name may only contain alphanumeric characters, or the underscore (_) or hyphen (-) characters. CELL_NAME=unknown #Write the name of the host to which you want to connect. It should have an already existing domain configured. DOMAIN_HOSTNAME=hpsit4obiappol1 #Give the port number at which the host should be connected. DOMAIN_PORT=7001 #Give an administrator user name for the domain if you are creating a new one otherwise give the administrator user name for the domain configured at the host. ADMIN_USER_NAME=weblogic #Give an administrator password for the domain if you are creating a new one otherwise give the administrator password for the domain configured at the host. ADMIN_PASSWORD= #Write the administrator password again to confirm. ADMIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD= #Is Single Server Install. WLS_SINGLE_SERVER_INSTALL=false #Specify the Middleware Home location. MW_HOME=/oracle/app/sit4/hpobiapp/product/fmw/11117 #Give the name of the Oracle Home directory. The Oracle Home directory name may only contain alphanumeric , hyphen (-) , dot (.) and underscore (_) characters, and it must begin with an alphanumeric character. ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/sit4/hpobiapp/product/fmw/11117/bi_11.1 #Give the complete path to a valid WebLogic Server Home. WEBLOGIC_HOME=/oracle/app/sit4/hpobiapp/product/fmw/11117/wlserver_10.3 #Give the complete path for a domain home to be created. DOMAIN_HOME_PATH=/oracle/shared/sit4/hpobiapp/environments/hp_obi_domain #Domain Name DOMAIN_NAME=hp_obi_domain #Give the complete path for JEE applications directory to be created. APPLICATIONS_HOME_PATH=unknown #Give the complete path for an Oracle Instance directory to be created. This is the location where the software configuration files and runtime processes will reside. INSTANCE_HOME=/oracle/app/sit4/hpobiapp/environments/bi_instance1 #Give a name for Oracle Instance corresponding to the Instance Home. The Oracle Instance name may only contain alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters, it must begin with an alphabetic (a-z or A-Z) character, and must be from 4 to 30 characters in length. INSTANCE_NAME=bi_instance1 [SYSTEM] [APPLICATIONS] [RELATIONSHIPS]

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Response File Version=




#Set this to true if you wish to specify a directory where latest updates are downloaded. This option would use the software updates from the specified directory



#Set this to true to skip the Software updates



#If the Software updates are already downloaded and available on your local system, then specify the path to the directory where these patches are available and set SPECIFY_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION to true



#Provide the Oracle Home location. The location has to be the immediate child under the specified Middleware Home location ( Applicable only if any of the J2EE Server Components are selected ). The Oracle Home directory name may only contain alphanumeric , hyphen (-) , dot (.) and underscore (_) characters, and it must begin with an alphanumeric character. The total length has to be less than or equal to 128 characters. The location has to be an empty directory or a valid ODI Oracle Home.



#Provide existing Middleware Home location.



#Application Server choices are WLS, WAS



#Provide the Application Server Location.



#Enter true if existing Master and Work repositories needs to be configured



#Enter true if Repository Configuration needs to be skipped



#Provide a name for the agent to be created. In case of Configure existing repository flow, provide a name which is not registered already



#Provide a port in which the agent needs to be configured.









#Enter true if Server components needs to be installed and configured. The standalone agent will be configued



#Enter true if SDK component needs to be installed



#Enter true if STUDIO component needs to be installed



#Enter true if J2EE Agent needs to be installed. The user has to configured this component using Weblogic Configuration Wizard.



#Enter true if ODI Console needs to be installed. The user has to configured this component using Weblogic Configuration Wizard.



#Enter true if Public Webservices needs to be installed. The user has to configured this component using Weblogic Configuration Wizard.







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Cloud Server Setup toolkit


1. Google Chrome for Windows : Click here

PHP - Server stack (Apache, MySQL etc)

1. XAMP for Windows : Click here

2. XAMP for Linux : Click here

3. XAMP for Mac : Click here

Website Starter Templates 

1. Blog - Sample template : Click here

2. Shop/Product - Sample template : Click here

3. Complete Bootstrap Template(all examples) : Click here

4. Bootstrap Tutorials : Click here 

Code Editors 

1. Notepad++ portable for Windows : Click here

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Hi I am Hiren Patel. Basically, I am Computer Engineer with some sort of crazy interest in playing around with the new technology and tools. I believe that innovation is the most important thing that drives our life.

Copyright © 2025 Hiren Patel . All rights Reserved.