Migrating From OBIEE 11g to 12c in Windows
What you need to know before we begin:
OBIEE 12c has already been installed and configured, therefore our bi-migration-tool.jar file has been generated. Also, this example is migrating from an OBIEE release.
Overview steps
- Create the Export Bundle
- Import the Export Bundle
Before you procced keep below paths handy:

Create the Export Bundle
The export bundle is a .jar file that consists of metadata information from the 11g Oracle home.
Navigate to location [ORACLE_HOME]\bi\migration-tool\jlib location

Copy "bi-migration-tool.jar" to folder name "migration"
1. From the command line enter into above folder path (this should be where your bi-migration-tool.jar file is located)
2. Run the following command to generate the export bundle
java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out <oracle 11g home> <domain home> <output export bundle path>
Where :
- out is telling the migration tool to lierform the export operation
- <oracle 11g home> is the Oracle BI home directory
- <domain home> is the 11g domain directory
Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\Oracle_BI1 E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar

If everything is successful you will receive an Export succeeded message from the command prompt and you should be able to locate your export file in the location specified in the previous command.

Import the Export Bundle
Again, 12c has been installed and configured, so our domain and BI instance have already been created. With that in mind, we will be using the BI Migration script to import the export bundle. You can use the BI 12c Configuration Assistant to reference the export bundle if you’re configuring 12c for the first time.
1. You should be in the same file location as before:
2. Run the following command:
java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in <12c Oracle Home> <12c domain home> <export bundle> <service instance name>
Where- in tells the migration tool to perform an import operation
- e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home is the Oracle Home
- e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home\user_projects\domains\bat_domain is the 12c domain directory
- e:\11g\11gexport.jar is the previously created export bundle
- ssi is the BI service instance
Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\product\Oracle_Home E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\config\domains\bi E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar ssi

3. You will be prompted to enter the RPD password

4. If the migration is successful you will receive a Migration action succeeded message

To verify login to OBIEE 12c and you should see your dashboards, subject areas, etc that have been imported from your 11g.

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