Installing WebLogic Server for Oracle Endeca

Installing WebLogic Server

After downloading the installation packages and installing the JDK, you next install WebLogic Server. Note that this procedure only installs the minimum WebLogic Server configuration needed for Oracle Endeca Information Discovery.

To install WebLogic Server:

1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you placed wls1036_generic.jar.

2. To launch the installer, issue the following command:

java -jar wls1036_generic.jar

The Welcome page of the installation wizard is displayed.

3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

4. On the Choose Middleware Home Directory page:
(a) Click the Create a new Middleware Home radio button.
(b) Accept the default location for the Middleware Home Directory.
(c) Click Next.

5. To bypass the Register for Security Updates page:
(a) Click Next without entering an email address.
(b) On the Email Address Not Specified dialog, click Yes.
(c) On the Are You Sure? dialog, click Yes.
(d) If the Connection failed dialog is displayed, check the I wish to remain uninformed of security
issues in my configuration or the machine has no Internet access checkbox, then click Continue.

6. On the Choose Install Type page, click the Custom radio button, then click Next.

7. On the Choose Products and Components page, check the following products, then click Next:
• Core Application Server
• Administration Console
• Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework
• Evaluation Database

8. On the JDK Selection page, verify that the JDK you installed is selected. If it is, click Next.
If that version of the JDK is not selected:
(a) Under Local JDK, click the Browse button.
(b) Browse to and select the directory that contains the JDK (C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_43\).
The Local JDK section is updated to display the selected JDK with a checked box next to it.

(c) Click Next.
9. On the Choose Product Installation Directories page, accept the default installation directory, then
click Next.

10. If the Install Windows Service page is displayed, click the No radio button, then click Next.

11. If the Choose Shortcut Location page is displayed, click a radio button to select the location of the Windows shortcut, then click Next.

12. On the Installation Summary page, verify that you are installing the correct products, then click Next.

13. On the Installation Complete page, uncheck the Run Quickstart checkbox, then click Done.

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