Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server for Oracle Endeca

Creating the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server
The Endeca Server installation includes a WebLogic domain template that you use to create the Endeca Server WebLogic domain.

To create the WebLogic domain for Endeca Server:

1. From a command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Configuration Wizard start-up program:

2. To start the Configuration Wizard, run the following command:
The Configuration Wizard Welcome page is displayed.

3. On the Welcome page, click the Create a new WebLogic domain radio button, then click Next.

4. On the Select Domain Source page, check the Oracle Endeca Server checkbox. The Oracle JRF checkbox is then checked automatically. Click Next.

5. On the Specify Domain Name and Location page:

(a) Set the domain name to endeca_server_domain.
(b) Keep the default domain location.
(c) Click Next.

6. On the Configure Administrator User Name and Password page, to create the administrator credentials for starting WebLogic Server:

(a) In the Name field, type the name for the new administrator user.
(b) In the User password field, type the user password.
The password must be at least eight alphanumeric characters long, and contain at least one number or special character.
(c) In the Confirm user password field, retype the password.
(d) Optionally, in the Description field, type a description for the user account.
(e) Click Next.

7. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK page:

(a) Under WebLogic Domain Startup Mode, click the Production Mode radio button.
(b) Under JDK Selection, click the Available JDKs radio button.
(c) In the JDK list, click the Sun Java SDK that you installed. If the Sun Java JDK is not displayed,
click the Other JDK button, and then browse for the Sun Java JDK home:
(d) Click Next.

8. On the Select Optional Configuration page, do not select any optional configurations. Click Next.

9. On the Configuration Summary page, to create the domain, click Create.

On the Creating Domain page, the message "Domain Created Successfully!" signifies the end of the domain creation process
10. To exit the Configuration Wizard, click Done.

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