RCU Installation for OBIEE 11g

OBIEE 11g RCU Installation

Database Installation and Configuration:
If you installed database already on your machine, you can skip to section.

Before we starting the installation of RCU, we need to choose that which database we are going to use in our application. Here I am giving how to run RCU in Oracle database on our local machine. It is good to install Oracle Database enterprise or standard edition to take full advantage of database for datatypes like spatial data or features like OLAP. 

• Min of 4GB RAM required.
• Minimum of 10GB hard disk memory required.
• not use any directory name with space while installing/working with Oracle
DB and BI11g.

Installing RCU:
BI 11g is now standardized with Oracle fusion middleware and hence leverage database for metadata storage just like any other middleware product. So here we are going to install BI11g metadata schema on oracle database you just installed and configured. Same process can be leveraged to install metadata schema on other supported databases as well.
If you have not done already, please download BI11g installation files and RCU installation files. Please make sure all the zipped files have downloaded correctly and unzipped into a single folder.
We can download the software from below Download page:

Now we will start the installation of metadata schema using RCU.

From unzipped folder for RCU, run rcu.bat file to start the utility: rcu.bat file is located under rcuHome\BIN directory.

RCU utility will launch the GUI based wizard to guide you through the steps. Click Next to continue.
Select create from the below screen and click Next

In the below step Make sure database type is Oracle Database and enter following information to continue. 
For e.g:
Host Name: localhost 
Port: 1521 
Service Name: ORCL
Username: sys
Role: sysdba
Password:  YourPassword
since we are using oracle database, RCU will show a warning message that we can just ignore and can continue the installation.
Click OK to continue once RCU validates and initializes database configuration.
In the next step it will ask for the prefix to create the metadata schemas. By default it is showing 'DEV'. If we want to change the prefix we can  change it.
From the below window select appropriate schemas which we need to install.
I have selected only two which is showing in the screenshot

Click 'Next' from the above screen to create schema and the click 'OK' once RCU shows schema creation prerequisites check completed.
In the next step Enter password for both the schema as you like with the password conditions (such as alphabet, numeric and with special character) and click 'Next' to continue.
Click 'Next' with the above step to have RCU create the selected schemas
Click 'OK' to continue creation of tablespace.
Once tablespace created, click 'OK' to continue.

Now RCU will create required schema objects within the tablespace just created. So Click 'Create' with next step and continue
Click 'close' to finish RCU wizard once schemas are created successfully.
with the above step the installation of RCU is completed

Remember the password which we have given for all the  users/schemas so far and we will continue to use the same password. We will need this password for BI installation as well to let BI installer knows where the metadata schemas located and what is the password to connect to the schema. Now we can login to the oracle database and can whether that two schems (DEV_BIPLATFORM, DEV_MDS) is available.

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OBIEE 11g Installation Guide

OBIEE Step by Step Installation

This post will guide us through the  step by step installation of OBIEE Here I don't find any difference in RCU installation between in previous version with this version. Still if you want to know the RCU installation steps click here

Download the OBIEE 11g version from here or from oracle e-delivery site and extract all the four disk into a single folder and click setup.exe from the Disk1 Universal Installer window will start and will check for the initial set up and system requirement.

After the successful precheck the first step of our OBIEE starts with the below window. Just Click 'Next'

f you have oracle Support username and password then update then use that in this step or just select first option 'Skip Software updates' and click 'Next'

Select the appropriate installation step here. I am going to install all the component of BI so selected here 'Enterprise Install' and then click 'Next'

This step will just check operating system certification and physical memory. Just click 'Next' after the check passed through

As It is a new installation, select the option 'Create New BI System' and type password for weblogic User.
Note: Save or remember the password because this is the password going to be used to access BI system, EM, Console and answers later on..
and then click 'Next'

n this step we have to select the actual folder where we want to install BI 11g. So here I have created an folder in C:\ driver and selected here by browsing the home location in this window. Remaining boxes will be automatically filled once we selected the home location then click 'Next'
With the above window we will get warning like below screen. Just Click 'Yes and click 'Next' with the above screen

n this step we would know what are the components going to be installed. If you are really going to user 'RTD' and Essbase Suite the leave it selected or Just uncheck with the below screen and click 'Next'

n this step we have to select the database where we have installed our RCU. I have done in oracle database so selected the oracle database in database type

Connection String: dbservername:portnumber:servicename
BIPLATFORM Pwd: Admin123

Note: This username and password would be same which we have given when we installed RCU

Same steps like the previous step but here with DEV_MDS username and password. After entering all the details just click 'Next'

Just Select 'Auto Port Configuration' if you want to install with the default port numbers that oracle do the installation and then click 'Next'

f we have oracle support email id we could mention with this step or just deselect the option click 'Yes' with the warning screen and click 'Next' with the below step

With this step just click 'Install' so that the actual installation will be started with the below screen:

Just watch the installation progress with this step
t take a while even the progress bar shows 100%. Post installation script might be take some time so be patient the steps will pass through.

After successful installation the configuration steps will start. It takes a while to finish all the configuration so wait to finish and then just click 'Next' when the configuration shows 100%

So actual installation and configuration are over with the above step. If you want to save the path details for middleware home, domain home and others click 'Save' with the below screen and save it in a file for reference. and the just click 'Finish' to complete the installation.

Now browse through the answers, EM and console and Play with BI.

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Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c Installation Overview

Pre requistics
  1. 64 bit OS is must
  2. Loopback adapter settings
  3. Make sure you unzip the downloaded setup files in the same machine where you’re intended to install obiee. I saw few issues when extracted file is brought from 2008 r2 to win8.
  4. Decide user with whom you’re proceeding with installations and ensure oraInventory access.
  5. Windows Firewall set to Off
  6. JDK 1.8.0_51+
  7. Oracle Database or;
Downloading Software

For downloading required software(s) https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi-enterprise-edition/downloads/business-intelligence-2717951.html.
Below is the list of software to be downloaded:

  1. Java Developers Kit 8 (JDK8)
    • Download For Linux and Microsoft Windows
  2. Web Logic Server
    • Download Generic (1.4 GB)
  3. Oracle Business Intelligence 12c (
    • for Microsoft Windows x86-64-bit:
    • Download File 1 (1.4 GB)
    • Download File 2 (1.8 GB)
  4. Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tool (
    • Download for Microsoft Windows x86-64-bit (676 MB)
Installation of OBIEE 12c

This installation is divided in to 4 parts as below :

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
    • Set BI_PRODUCT_HOME env variable for ex: C:\oracle\product\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

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Configuring RCU

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant
Configuring RCU Now Goto obiiee12c
D:\OBIEE12C\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\bin There you the RCU setup File obiiee12c

Now move to step : Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

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Installing Oracle BI 12c

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Now install SetupBI_platform


Click Next


Click Next


Specify the Path


Specify the ORACLE_HOME path


Click Next


Click Next


Now move to step : Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required

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Installing Weblogic 12c

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Extract the file so that you have fmw_12.


Click Next


Click Next


Specify the OBIEE Location Path


Click Next


Click Next


Check the Checkbox


Click Yes


Click Install


Click Next


Now move to step :Installing Oracle BI 12c

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Using Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool

Experimenting with the new Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool

The Oracle BI Baseline Validation Tool is a long overdue new tool introduced in 12c that allows BI administrators to perform regression testing after a BI migration or a BI upgrade. The goal of this post is to document my experimentation with this new tool in Windows 7. As an example I’ve got an environment with OBIEE installed and another equivalent environment with version The BVT is run from the command with a configuration file and set of arguments. Following are the high-level steps for using the Oracle BI BVT:

  1. Establish a baseline (set of dashboards, reports), in this example we compare all items
  2. Configure the configuration file to specify the location of the target catalog, Oracle BI Presentation Services login information, and the plug-ins to activate. A sample configuration testconfig.xml is provided out the box, one can create a new using the BVT utility
  3. Run the Oracle BVT tool three times:
    • First run to generate the baseline
    • Second run to generate the same data from the patched environment
    • Third run to compare results between the before and after web catalog

The BVT allows a fine grain level comparison allowing even the ability to set a maximum tolerance for floating point fluctuations between reports.

Oracle BI Validation Tool Installation
  • Java 1.6 and higher
  • Windows: Windows 7 and higher, Windows Server 2012 and higher
  • Linux: Oracle Linux U5 or Oracle Linux 7
  • Mozilla Firefox or IE

It  is shipped with the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tool, after installation, the tool is located in

[Installation Folder]\bi\components\oracle.bi.bvt

BVT tool

Once the zip file is uncompressed

BVT tool

Configuration File

BVT tool

Looking at the sample configuration file, there are 2 sections:


Description of the target environment that the tests will run against, the deployment name can be updated in order to describe your specific environment, in our case we will define the following deployment names; “OBIEE11117base” to designate our baseline OBIEE environment and ““OBIEE11119upgrade” to designate the upgraded environment. The deployment names will be fed to the BVT as command line arguments

Test Plug-ins
BVT tool

This section describes the different types of comparisons (5) that are available for the web catalog; each type of comparison is developed as a plug-in. Following are the plug-ns available out of the box:

  • Catalog Plug-in Compares the metadata of objects in catalog folders,
  • UI Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.ui] : Compares screen captures of individual analyses and dashboards.
  • Reports Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.report]: Exports the results of the analyses to CSV and generates a comparison report.
  • Logical Query Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.logicalquery] : Downloads and saves the logical SQL generated for analyses
  • Dashboard Plug-in [com.oracle.biee.bvt.plugin.dashboard]: Exports the results of the analyses to XML and generates a comparison

The plug-ins can be enabled by setting the “enabled” tag to true.

Let’s update the sample configuration file and capture the baseline for our OBIEE web catalog. We enter the URL for the BI environment and the username/password. Note that you can chose to enter the password as a command line argument with the “-password” flag followed by the actual password; if no value is passed with the flag, you will be prompted to enter it.

BVT tool

We run the following command in order to capture our baseline, the syntax to capture the configuration for our BI is:

bin\obibvt.bat -config TestConfig.xml -deployment BI11117base

BVT tool

Where testconfig.xml is the name of the configuration file and BI111117base is the deployment name to run. As an example, we’ve enabled all the tests and run the BVT to capture our OBIEE baseline. A folder named after the deployment name is created under the results folder, a progress status is displayed on the screen while the processing is underway.

BVT tool

Note that you can set timeout for loading each report, by default, the timeout to download a single report is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds). Once the script is done executing, sub folders are created in the main results folder

BVT tool

We run the script again in order to capture the environment, this will enable us to run comparisons between environments

bin\obibvt.bat -config TestConfig.xml -deployment BI11119

Once the script is done running, a second folder is created in the main Results folder

BVT tool

We can now run the same script with the –compareresults flag in order to perform comparisons between the and the environments.

BVT tool

Now navigate to the Comparisons folders and examine the differences between and; for each test there is an html file with the color coded test results, relevant details and hyperlinks to items of concern.

Web Catalog comparisons

Details are provided such as :

  • number of of BI objects in the base environment
  • number of BI objects in the target environment
  • items only present in the base environment
  • items only present in the target environment
  • items that are different

Drill down links provide more details where there are exceptions

BVT tool
Dashboard comparisons

Differences between dashboard details are provided.

BVT tool
Logical Query comparisons

Differences in logical SQLs between both environments are documented.

BVT tool
Reports Comparisons

An export to CSV of the results for each of the analyses is performed for each environment and a comparison report is performed.

BVT tool
UI comparisons

UI plugin compares screen captures pixel by pixel of individual analyses and dashboards and displays a comparison report side by side. A score is assigned to each comparison based on the match: a score of 1 indicates a perfect match while 0 indicates a complete mismatch. The threshold for a pass of fail score can be set in the configuration file, it is 0.95 by default. The side by side comparisons is very handy and help you see the discrepancies in look and feel.

BVT tool

p.s: Note that we were only to have all tests run successfully using Firefox version 34.0; tests will fail while running with Internet 11.0 and Firefox 42.0 we got the following error in the log:

NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80570015 (NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE)

Apparently this error is caused by the Selenium web driver in later version of Firefox, you can read more about it here.

It is worth noting that there is a flag in the configuration file that allows you (1) to set the default browser for running the tests and (2) another flag where you can specify the number of browser instances to run concurrently while performing the tests.

BVT tool

The goal of this post was to document a preliminary experiment with the new regression testing tool that shipped with obiee 12c; setting up the configuration and the running comparisons is fairly straightforward; the results are detailed and handy. There is no doubt that this tool will be useful for OBIEE regression testing. In conclusion, the Oracle BI development team is making big strides in addressing pain points that have made working with OBIEE and migrating and maintaining different Oracle BI environments a challenge. One shortcoming of the tool though is that BI-Publisher reports are not included in the comparisons, hopefully future releases of the BVT will include this type of comparisons.

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How to start and stop services in OBIEE 12c

How to start and stop services in OBIEE 12c

OBIEE 12c has very simple commands to restart services. but very useful.

Go to below path



Start.cmd for start services

Stop.cmd for stop services

Status.cmd for Status of the services



Start.sh for start services

Stop.sh for stop services

Status.sh for Status of the services

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Deploying Studio into the domain for Oracle Endeca

Deploying Studio into the domain
To install Studio, you use the WebLogic Administration Console to deploy endeca-portal-weblogic3.0.x.ear into the WebLogic domain.

When you deploy using these instructions, the following default locations are used:

Context path --> Studio is deployed to the domain's root context.
Liferay Home directory --> The Liferay Home directory is C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains.
To deploy endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear into the Studio WebLogic domain:
1. Set up the Liferay Home directory (C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains):
(a) Extract the file portal-ext.properties from the top level of EID_3.0.x_Studio_portal_weblogic.zip.
(b) Place portal-ext.properties in the Liferay Home directory.
(c) In the Liferay Home directory, create the following subdirectories: -

• \data\endeca-data-sources
• deploy
• weblogic-deploy

2. If WebLogic Server isn't already started, then to start it, run the WebLogic Server startup script(C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endeca_studio_domain\startWebLogic.cmd).
Alternatively, from the Windows Start menu, select Oracle WebLogic>User_Projects>endeca_studio_domain>Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain.

3. Extract endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear from EID_3.0.x_Studio_portal_weblogic.zip.

4. Use the WebLogic Administration Console to deploy endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.ear into the domain.
(a) Go to the Administration Console at https://localhost:8101/console.
(b) On the login page, log in using the domain administrator user name and password.
(c) Under Helpful Tools, click Configure applications.

(d) If necessary, click Lock & Edit at the top left of the page.
(e) Click the Install button.

(f) Use the file browser to find the endeca-portal-weblogic-3.0.x.ear file, then click the radio button to the left of it.

(g) Click Next.
(h) On the next page, under Choose targeting style, make sure the Install this deployment as an application radio button is selected, then click Next.

(i) On the next page, accept the default selections, then click Finish.

(j) If necessary, click Activate Changes.

The deployment may take several minutes. Make sure you do not try to log in to Studio before the deployment is complete.
5. When the deployment process is completed, the deployment status is Prepared. To start the deployment:
(a) In the Deployments list, check the checkbox for the Studio deployment.

(b) Click the Start button.
(c) From the drop-down list, select Servicing all requests.
(d) Under Start Deployments, click Yes.

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Migrating From OBIEE 11g to 12c in Windows

Migrating From OBIEE 11g to 12c in Windows

What you need to know before we begin:
OBIEE 12c has already been installed and configured, therefore our bi-migration-tool.jar file has been generated. Also, this example is migrating from an OBIEE release.

Overview steps

  1. Create the Export Bundle
  2. Import the Export Bundle

Before you procced keep below paths handy:

Create the Export Bundle

The export bundle is a .jar file that consists of metadata information from the 11g Oracle home.

Navigate to location [ORACLE_HOME]\bi\migration-tool\jlib location


Copy "bi-migration-tool.jar" to folder name "migration"

1. From the command line enter into above folder path (this should be where your bi-migration-tool.jar file is located)

2. Run the following command to generate the export bundle

java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out <oracle 11g home> <domain home> <output export bundle path>

Where :

  • out is telling the migration tool to lierform the export operation
  • <oracle 11g home> is the Oracle BI home directory
  • <domain home> is the 11g domain directory
  • is the location where you want the export bundle. NOTE: the file must have a .jar extension

Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\Oracle_BI1 E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle11\Middleware\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar

If everything is successful you will receive an Export succeeded message from the command prompt and you should be able to locate your export file in the location specified in the previous command. obiiee12c
Import the Export Bundle

Again, 12c has been installed and configured, so our domain and BI instance have already been created. With that in mind, we will be using the BI Migration script to import the export bundle. You can use the BI 12c Configuration Assistant to reference the export bundle if you’re configuring 12c for the first time.

1. You should be in the same file location as before:

2. Run the following command:

java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in <12c Oracle Home> <12c domain home> <export bundle> <service instance name>

  • in tells the migration tool to perform an import operation
  • e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home is the Oracle Home
  • e:\obiee12c\middleware\oracle_home\user_projects\domains\bat_domain is the 12c domain directory
  • e:\11g\11gexport.jar is the previously created export bundle
  • ssi is the BI service instance

Example : java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar in E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\product\Oracle_Home E:\donot_delete_server\Oracle12\config\domains\bi E:\Migration\My11gExport.jar ssi


3. You will be prompted to enter the RPD password


4. If the migration is successful you will receive a Migration action succeeded message


To verify login to OBIEE 12c and you should see your dashboards, subject areas, etc that have been imported from your 11g.


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Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant

Overall Steps

  1. Installing Weblogic 12c : Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (no configuring domain for infrastructure)
  2. Installing Oracle BI 12c
  3. Configuring RCU : run rcu part of /oracle_common/bin to create schema required
  4. Configuring OBIEE 12c Configure obiee standard topology using 12c configuration assistant
Now goto D:\OBIEE12C\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin obiiee12c
Click Config.exe obiiee12c

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Bulk User/Group Creation in OBIEE using WLST

Bulk User/Group Creation in OBIEE using WLST

To create users in bulk and assigning groups for those users, use below python script and follow steps as given in screenshot

Step 1: Create userCreation.ph file as below:

adminUser = 'weblogic' 
adminPassword = 'pwd' 
adminURL = 'adminserver_url:port' 

connect(adminUser, adminPassword, adminURL) 
print 'lookup DefaultAuthenticator'
password = 'weblogic123'
print 'create group gcp_group'
group = 'gcp_group'
users = ['user1','user2']
for user in users:       
  print 'create user: ',user

Step 2: Navigate to the below path

\Oracle_BI1\common\bin\wlst.cmd userCreation.py

Step 3: Login to the Admin console and check whether the users are created or not.

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Archival of old OBIEE RPD File

Archival of old OBIEE RPD File
Every time a modified RPD is promoted through weblogic or WLST and python scripts, a new version of the RPD file get’s created with a version number suffix (for example, SampleApp_bi001.rpd). This version number is incremented each time repository is uploaded. Depending on RPD modification changes, we have seen more than 100 versions of the RPD files in a year in DEV env.

Another major issue we noticed that after certain version number ( Oracle couldn’t provide settings where max version number is set), after promoting new RPD, the version number resets back to some random value and old RPD file get’s deployed.

To avoid old RPD getting deployed and to keep RPD folder (\\\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1\repository)clean, I have developed a python script which keeps 3 latest versions of RPD and archives rest of the versions.


import shutil
import os

# Change path of the source folder

source = os.listdir(path)


# Calculate min and max version numbers of the RPD file
# RPD name SampleApp_BI0013.rpd

for files in source:
  if len(files) > 7:
   if largest is None:
        largest = num
    elseif num > largest:
        largest = num

    if smallest is None:
         smallest = num
   elseif num < smallest:
         smallest = num

# Initialize a counter to count number of files moved to archive folder

# Keeping latest 3 RPD version files
for i in range (smallest, largest-2):
    for files in source:
        if len(files) > 7:
         if i == mmn:
               src = path +"/"+files
               dst = "/oracle/middle/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/archive"+"/"+files
                shutil.move(src, dst)
print j, "files are moved"

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OBIEE RPD Deployment Automation using WLST

OBIEE RPD Deployment Automation using WLST

Deploying OBIEE RPD using FMW Enterprise Manager is quite slower and time consuming if RPD deployments are frequent. OBIEE RPD deployment can be automated using OBIEE provided WLST (Weblogic Scripting tool ) and custom python scripts.

The python script (deployer.py ) calls WLST to performs below tasks:

  1. Connects to WLST
  2. Locks the System
  3. Uploads the RPD
  4. Commits Changes
  5. Restarts BI Services
deployer.py script:

# This scripts expects the following arguments:
# 1. wls.host (localhost)
# 2. wls.port (7001)
# 3. wls.user  (user1)
# 4. wls.password  (password1)
# 5. repository filename and location
# 6. repository password
# ===================================================================
import sys
import os
# Check that the arguments to this script are as expected.
# argv[0] is script name, [1]-[6] are the user parameters

argLen = len(sys.argv)
if argLen -1 != 6:
    print "ERROR: got ", argLen -1, " args."
    print "USAGE: wlst.cmd RPDUpload.py WLS_HOST WLS_PORT WLS_USER WLS_PASSWORD repository_location repository_password"
    print "   eg: wlst.cmd RPDUpload.py localhost 7001 weblogic welcome1 c:\SampleAppLite.rpd Admin123" 
WLS_HOST = sys.argv[1]
WLS_PORT = sys.argv[2]
WLS_USER = sys.argv[3]
WLS_PW = sys.argv[4]
rpdlocation = sys.argv[5]
rpdpassword = sys.argv[6]

# Connect to the WLS Admin Server, so that the script then runs “online”
print 'Connecting to '+ WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT + ' as user: ' + WLS_USER + ' ...'
connect(WLS_USER, WLS_PW, WLS_HOST+ ':' + WLS_PORT);

# Connect to the BIDomainMBean that controls the BI domain
# We will use this MBean to lock and then commit our config changes

print 'Connecting to Domain ...'

cd ('oracle.biee.admin')

cd ('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service')

# define the MBean parameters and data types as arrays  
objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String)

# Invoke the lock operation from the BIDomainMBean
# (equivalent to the Lock and Edit Configuration button in 
# Enterprise Manager

print 'Locking the domain ...'


# Read the name of the first instance from first entry 
# in the BIInstances property within the BIDomainMBean
# (initially returned as an array, first value selected)

biinstances = get('BIInstances')
biinstance = biinstances[0]

# Connect to the corresponding BIInstanceMBean

print ('Connecting to BIInstance MBean')

cd ('..')
cd (biinstance.toString())

# Retrieve the name of the MBean for managing the 
# BI Server configuration

biserver = get('ServerConfiguration')

# Connect to the ServerConfigurationMBean for this BI Server

cd ('..')
cd (biserver.toString())

# Now prepare for the RPD upload
# Prepare arrays for parameters and datatypes
# Load the parameters with the RPD name and password
# Then invoke the uploadRepository within the ServerConfigurationMBean

print ('Uploading repository ...')

argtypes = jarray.array(['java.lang.String','java.lang.String'],java.lang.String)
argvalues = jarray.array([rpdlocation,rpdpassword],java.lang.Object)


# Now go back to the BIDomainMBean and commit the change
# (equivalent to the Activate Changes button in Enterprise Manager)

print ('Committing the update ...')

objs = jarray.array([],java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([],java.lang.String)


print ('Now restarting the instance, to pick up the new RPD file')

print 'Connecting to BIInstance MBean ...'
cd ('..')
cd (biinstance.toString())

# The BIInstanceMBean controls the overall status of
# the Oracle instance, and if directed to stop or start
# will stop/start all components together

print 'Getting instance status ...'

# ServiceStatus property in BIInstanceMBean returns
# the current status of the instance

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

# Stop action, if invoked, will stop entire instance

print 'Calling stop ...'
objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
invoke('stop', objs, strs)

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

# Start action will start the instance, and pick up
# the configuration change (the new RPD file path)

print 'Calling start ...'
objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object)
strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String)
invoke('start', objs, strs)

print 'BIInstance MBean; ServiceStatus: ' + servicestatus

print 'RPD Upload now complete!'


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Hi I am Hiren Patel. Basically, I am Computer Engineer with some sort of crazy interest in playing around with the new technology and tools. I believe that innovation is the most important thing that drives our life.

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